The gene called GT198 is usually a good gene, which repairs chromosomal damage and prevents disease. But when it mutates, that is to say it changes its conformation due to genetic or environmental factors, it has an enormous harmful potential: it could cause that begins to develop a breast cancer of precocious form.
Gene mutations are known to be present at the onset of breast and ovarian cancer, but scientists are now looking to investigate the primary source of these mutations that cause healthy tissue to become cancerous.
Researchers at the Medical College and the AU Cancer Center said that this mutated gene can appear in both the patients' blood and the tumor, in high percentages. Dr. Lan Ko, a biologist and one of the authors of the paper (photo above right holding a picture of the gene sequence, along with the doctors Nita Naihle and Nahid Michevi), added that "we believe that once the muta gene induces tumor growth. " More information.
20 / 10 / 2017