Malaga opens the door to a new cancer therapy

Haakon Radge The American Foundation, one of the largest centers of study and research of cryosurgery (freezing technique to destroy cancer cells), has chosen the medical team Cryosurgery Malaga Clinic based in Santa Elena de Torremolinos, as partner Referring to implant in Europe a technique using dendritic cells (charge of defense) to increase the responsiveness of patients.
As explained yesterday Lugnani Franco, president of the International Society of Cryosurgery, a pioneer in the application of this technique and team member created in Malaga, freezing causes cancer cells, once thawed tumor, there is a destruction cell: "It cuts off cancer cells that can be recognized by the immune system and provoke a response."
The Holy Grail
A reaction that would add the implementation of the new therapy to be investigated in Malaga, which aims to increase the immune response, "This is done using cultured dendritic cells in sufficient numbers, after removal from the patient and are injected after the intervention, "explained the expert. "Everyone feels oncology, waiting and looking for cancer immunotherapy, as the Holy Grail," he added.
For its part, the urologist Malaga Pedro Torrecillas, team coordinator and signing the agreement with the foundation Radge Haakon said that although you can not create false hopes, "increasingly narrows far more cancer inevitable triumph." "We are convinced that the answer has to come from ourselves and patients, who have enough weapons to give natural for them to be able to beat cancer achieve their own defenses."
Torrecillas indicated that with the new therapy to be investigated in Malaga after the patients have experienced with U.S. and Philippines, "are getting very encouraging results and achieving cures in patients with metastases." The specialist would not venture to give deadlines regarding the application of the technique, because you have to get permits, buy medical equipment and train the team itself.
Source: Diariosur
23 / 6 / 2014