Doctor Torrecillas, passion for innovation

We do not know if medical journals The Lancet, New England Journal or Medicine Clinic, we have collected. But of coursethe work of Dr. Pedro Torrecillas (and Dr. Lugnani) deserve to be highlighted in them justly. You should not overlook theinnovative technique based on cryosurgery, a procedure that causes selective destruction of diseased tissues usingfreezing temperatures.
The method is being used by the doctor in the hospital Torrecillas St. Helena to remove carcinomas in the prostate and bladder with very high length ratios. The novelty lies far in the implementation of this method for lung tumors driving to the core Argon Gas cancer with minimal invasion of surrounding tissue, while the patient breathes natural immunity.
But there's more, is that Don Pedro, whom I have much to thank (combines in his person the bonhomie and the friendlywith their patients along with a manifest ability to adopt technical and scientific innovations from both outside and withinSpain), quality and professional integrity of medicine led him to chair the group of cryosurgery for the implantation of a technique - already used in the U.S. - To combat urinary tract tumors, although metastases were created using stem cells able to counter the anarchy with which cancer cells proliferate.
"There is a vaccine" as the doctor in charge of state, is not to create false expectations, but represents a significant step, giving our body the ability for unequal battle against this terrible evil own weapons available and effective to counteractits virulence.
Source: Diariosur
23 / 6 / 2014