In summer we all expose ourselves to the sun; even those who shy away from the beach or the pool run the risk of being burned by simply wandering around the city or having a drink on a terrace. It is very important to be aware of the need to wear sunscreen, mainly on the face, and unlike popular beliefs, not only in summer but all year round.
But in addition, you have to cover those parts that are exposed to the rays of the sun with protective cream before leaving home. Even so, there are many people who have suffered a burn in the skin, something very annoying because of a lack of attention or because they have been too long sunbathing. Therefore, below we offer you a series of recommendations that can alleviate you in this situation.
However, remember that although the skin recovers, it has memory and any burn is harmful over time in our body, so protect yourself and do not overdo it with the rays of sun. More information.
15 / 3 / 2017